I think it’s time for a reality check around here. A reality check for what life with diabetes means.
I drove to work today behind a car with a “Make-A-Wish Foundation” license plate cover. It got me thinking… I have never heard of a kid with diabetes having a wish granted. Which means, to me, that there must be a criteria we don’t meet.
So I checked it out.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation receives a referral, checks eligibility, finds out the wish, and grants it. Simple. BUT, we as diabetics will never qualify for a Wish.
Because to be eligible, the child must: be diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition – i.e., a progressive, degenerative or malignant condition that has placed the child’s life in jeopardy.
Those of us living with diabetes, or parenting a child with diabetes, or caring for a parent with diabetes, or however you’re at this site: we don’t have a diagnosis that qualifies us to receive a Make-A-Wish wish.
You know why?
Because we have at our disposal the capability to go after our own dreams. To persue our own goals. To make our lives whatever we want to make them.
So go get after YOUR dream. Make YOUR wish a reality.
You deserve it.