Planning, Doing, and 500 miles

May 17th, 2010 by Amy Gonsalves Leave a reply »

I looked at a tag when I was doing laundry this weekend and saw “Just Do It.”  What a slogan.  I guess I’ve been looking at slogans lately because I saw a new variation on another old one the other day: “got milk?” and remembered the Bearskin Meadow Camp shirt “got insulin?” I love it.

Anyway, back to my point: Just do it.

I think hundreds of thousands of athletes identified with that slogan when it first began, and continue to identify with that slogan.

Planning is important.  But planning is safe.  Nothing happens when you’re in planning stage.  Planning is paper and pen.  Doing is movement and progress. 

So plan a little, and get going.

EACH IS CRITICAL.  Don’t get me wrong; without a plan you can end up running around like a chicken with your head cut off and only exhaust yourself with no result.  Just don’t keep thinking about doing something, and then think about it again and again and again.

Instead, get up and go do it.  Start putting your plan into action.

Don’t let anything stop you once you’ve begun.  Tie your laces before you go.  Double knot them.  Go to the bathroom.  Check your blood glucose.  Take food.

When you show up, be ready to start.  Don’t take time to outline in detail all of your aches and pains, or things you’re worried about.  Monitor yourself, be smart and be conscious of your body.  Just don’t spend all of your time in that mental space.

Free your mind from all unnecessary noise. 

Just do it.


Now, About Those 500 Miles…

I have been invited to run with Team Iron Andy and Run the Coast this fall!  Check them out on FaceBook at Run The Coast and become a fan! 

I will spend a couple days with the team and run a portion of the 500 mile course from the Golden Gate Bridge down to San Diego over fourteen days.    I’ll need some help, though: the Dean Karnazes Silicon Valley Marathon is October 31st and I want as many folks as possible to join me on either the full marathon or the half marathon!  We can work together to design a plan for you to make the distance you desire, be it running or run/walking.  Everyone can do this, as there are kids events as well on the same day.  More details to follow, but for now, think about it, make a commitment to yourself, and clear your calendar!!

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  1. Peggy says:

    I signed up! I’m on Team Diabetes Outside!

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