What I Run With

May 26th, 2010 by Amy Gonsalves Leave a reply »

I usually run three to four days a week and run anywhere from three to twentysomething miles on any given Run Day.  Some of you may be considering running further than you’ve run before, or even are wondering how I can do the mileage.  It isn’t difficult for me; it’s therapeutic.  The runs themselves aren’t always “fun” but I never ever regret a run I’ve finished.  Ever.

I thought I’d share with you my list of what to bring on my runs.  I’ve ranked them from short to long, meaning I always take the first few things and only take all of the items if I’m running longer than 10 miles.

  1. Glucose.  Used to be Gu, but those packages are sticky to carry around.  Then I moved to Shot Blox, and then Jelly Belly Sport Beans.  I like the Sport Beans because the package is resealable like a Ziploc; but I’ve seen with my CGM that they take 15-20 minutes to enter my bloodstream.  I’ve got more experimenting to do to see what works best; I may go back to Gu if it works faster than the more solid forms of glucose.
  2. Shoes.  I can run in a lot of different shoes.  I have “running shoes” and “not my running shoes” but I’m not happy running more than 3 miles in my not my running shoes.
  3. A house or car key.  Wherever I am, I either need to get back to my car or get back home.  If I’m on a treadmill, I leave that off to the side.
  4. Socks.  Always important to consider, the longer I run.  My sock thickness determines how my shoes fit, and how my shoes fit determines how my feet survive, and if my feet aren’t happy, I’m not happy. 
  5. My Road ID.  I use the Shoe ID; I figure the EMT personnel will find it quicker than they might find my pump and know what to do.  My RoadID currently lists my name, quick important things like “Insulin Pump”, “Organ Donor”, “NKDA” as well as my current motto: Keep Going!
  6. Chapstick.  I can’t stand running without chapstick on.  I don’t know why, but I’ll go home and get it if I’ve forgotten it.
  7. A watch.  Preferably my favorite running gadget ever: my Garmin 405CX.  It’s good to know how long I’ve been out, what pace I’m running at, and how much more there is ahead.  I like to play with the numbers in my head as I run.  If I’m not using my Garmin, I’ll grab my Timex.
  8. Fluid.  May be water only, may be a mix of Gatorade and water, may be all Gatorade.  Depends on my plan for the run, the weather outside, my starting blood glucose, and how I’m feeling about the course.
  9. My heart rate monitor.  I wear it with my Garmin.  It’s not necessary in any way, but I like again to work out the numbers as I run, and I like to have the data after the run.
  10. My meter.  I used to check and run simultaneously, but I’ve lost things out of my fingers (the cap of my lancing device is now in someone’s rocky yard; it has been six months and I still look for it every time I run past) when it’s cold and I’m running so in general I slow down and walk the 10 seconds it takes me to check.
  11. My Fuel Belt. I spoke with customer service to get myself a pocket that would hold my meter.  I take this with me on every run longer than 8 miles, and sometimes on shorter ones too if I think I’ll need the supplies.
  12. More glucose.  The longer I run, the more fuel I’ll need.
  13. My phone.  I’ll map out my anticipated course on my computer and leave it on the screen when I go out, so that in case my husband needs to find me he knows where to look.  I take my phone if I have a reason to, if I want to take photos, or if I think I should have it.  It is also helpful to see a map of where I am sometimes!
  14. My iPod.  I only take this with me on really long runs that I’m dreading.  I listen to talk shows like Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me.  If I listen to music I forget to listen to the traffic; tuning out like that is too dangerous for me so I skip the music in order that I can skip the hospital.

I can’t believe I have FOURTEEN things I take with me on long runs.  And this is just a quick list for things I take on every run; not to mention any weather-specific gear!  No wonder it can take me 30 minutes to get out of the house some days…

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  1. Peggy says:

    I had to laugh when I saw that you map a route and leave it up on your screen. Me too! My husband could not be less interested, and I hope there will never be a time that he has to use it!

  2. MaiaJane says:

    Glucose Tip:
    I LOVE “Luna Moons” made by the same people who make the Luna Bars, little gummies that (for me) are super-fast glucose, and they come in pretty much the perfect size pack for any of my lows!

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