Some Fun Ideas To Help You Feel Energized

April 4th, 2011 by Amy Gonsalves Leave a reply »

Mondays typically bring a “blah” kind of mood along with them, don’t they?  Particularly after a weekend of fun and sun!

The following ideas come from an article that lists some ideas to help you get more energy throughout your day, be it a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday. 

I definitely love this first one, and I’d love to hear it if you’ve ever tried it!

Change your socks for refreshment.

It’s an amazing trick. Bring a change of socks to work, and change your socks midway through the day (say, after lunch). You’ll be amazed at how much fresher you’ll feel. This trick is especially handy on days with lots of walking — like during a hike or family outing to the amusement park.

Okay, now this next one I have done.  ( I’ve also done the opposite!)  I can’t handle colors that are too bright, though, and I’ve heard from my bootcampers that I hurt their eyes if I go too bright too early in the day… !!

Wear brighter colors.

This trick is related to the mood you project to people, and the reciprocating mood they project towards you. If you wear dark, somber colors, you project a dark, somber attitude, and people will respond to you with a somber attitude. If you wear bright, happy colors, you’ll get that attitude projected towards you, which will boost your own mood and energy levels.

And because I’m me, I have to include these (of course!):

Start exercising.

If you have a fairly sedentary life, just the idea of starting an intense exercise program is exhausting. But if you go slow, literally taking one step at a time, you can go from being sedentary to becoming a runner.

Take a walk outside.

Getting outside for some fresh air, a change of scenery, and a quick walk to get your blood going will do wonders for your mood and motivation. Seeing the sun is a signal to your body that it’s not bedtime yet.

This one, though, I haven’t tried but I think I will, now that I’ve got the idea planted in my brain. 

Get on your toes.

Roll up and down on your toes. This stimulates your circulatory system, which will deliver much-needed oxygen and fuel throughout your body. You’ll be more energized and sharper. You can do this right now.

It’s fun to think that some of these incredibly small and simple things could have a positive change!  Let me know if you’ve tried any of these and how they work!!  If you have other ideas, let’s hear them!

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