Is ADA’s Forecast Magazine Off the Mark?

May 19th, 2010 by Amy Gonsalves Leave a reply »

I don’t get the American Diabetes Association.  I mean, I get what they are trying to do with their Stop Diabetes campaign.  (Although, I wonder how possible it is to stop a disease I already have…but I get that they are trying to have us all feel empowered.  Which is great, fantastic, and wonderful.) 

I think sometimes the ADA misses the distinctions between type one and type two diabetes.  Especially when it comes to Forecast Magazine.  I don’t think anyone who works on Forecast Magazine has an idea about what life is like with type one diabetes.

Seriously.  It’s a total shame some of what appears in that magazine.  I am afraid for those new to the disease and their parents, who likely look to the ADA’s Forecast magazine for guidance and support.  I think sometimes the magazine steers them in the wrong direction.

As an example: in the April 2010 edition there is an article: A User’s Guide to Insulin.  The Q&A segments are scattered throughout the article. 

The first Q&A on the first page:

Q: Should I take insulin if I’m only having a small snack with very few carbs?

A: Probably not.  People with type 1 diabetes, and those with type 2 who use mealtime insulin to cover carbs, need to cover most food with insulin, but not if it is a snack of 15 grams of carbohydrates or less.

I don’t understand.  I’m not sure if this is my fifteen years of using an insulin pump, but this is absolute crazy talk in my world.  I take insulin for every carbohydrate that enters my body, or if I don’t take insulin for it, I’ve considered taking insulin and opted to not take insulin for a good, well-considered reason.  (Like, I’m low or I’m exercising.)

I also don’t understand why they are still talking about regular insulin.  Remember R?  There are some great newer faster insulins out there that work well either in a pump or in conjunction with long-term insulins like Lantus or Levemir; I’m not sure why R still holds a place in this national magazine.  Maybe it’s being used for those with type 2?

(I’m sure this post today is revealing all kinds of things you didn’t know I don’t know.  I would love to find out what is working for you, and if you think I’m way off base with my reaction to the Q&A.  Shoot me an email at amy[at]diabetesoutside[dot]com or respond on the Diabetes Outside Facebook page!)

Then again, the pages after the article provide instructions on How to Make A Perfect Salad and they literally say “begin with lettuce”.  Maybe I’m asking the ADA for too much with their monthly magazine.

But I don’t think so.  I’m still concerned for those newly diagnosed people who don’t yet know what information to use and what information to discard.

If something doesn’t strike you right, ask questions.  Be an active participant in every aspect of your life with diabetes.  YOU DESERVE GOOD INFORMATION THAT WILL HELP YOU IN YOUR LIFE.

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