Have you seen that commercial for some low-glycemic index milkshake of some sort that is supposed to help keep your blood glucose levels even? (Side note: this is marketed to those living with Type 2 diabetes not Type 1 diabetes.) The camera moves as the woman talks about trying to balance her blood glucose levels as pots and pans in her kitchen swing about. Until, of course, she opens the milkshake can and everything is hunky dory again.
“Balance” is one of those catch phrases these days as we are inundated with too much to do and too little time in which to do it.
But I’m talking about the kind of balance you CAN and SHOULD work on, every day. The physical kind of balance!
One of my bootcampers commented today that she feels like she has lost all of her balance. We kindly reminded her that she has twins younger than 2 years old so she has an entirely different body now than she used to have.
It also reminded me of another bootcamper who came one day about a week after her 40th birthday and reported she read something that said you start to lose your balance capability after the age of 40. Poor thing, as soon as she read that she felt like she was tripping all over the place.
I’m just saying: (physical) balance is something we should always be aware of, and always work on.
It’s kind of fun to throw a few balance exercises into your daily life! Brush your bottom teeth standing only on your left foot and brush your top teeth while standing only on your right foot.
Without touching a wall or door jam, try to spell out letters A through E with each foot. Make the letters as big as possible!
Or you can try this one, which I hadn’t done before I Googled “balance exercises” for this blog.
With either no shoes, or in flat shoes, stand by a chair or table. If during the exercise you begin to feel very unstable, then you can grab and hold onto the chair or table. It is normal to feel slightly unstable doing balance exercises, so only grab if you think you are going to fall. Learning to adjust is how balance will improve.
Put one foot infront of the other, so that the toe of one foot touches the heel of the foot infront. Make sure your feet touch. Pick a point out infront of you and focus on it. Do not look down. Balancing in this position is not as easy as it sounds.
Whenever you feel confident balancing in this position, you can try closing your eyes. When you feel comfortable with this try moving your arms around. Eventually if you have good balance work up to moving upper body backwards and forwards and side to side. Then finally you may be able to try tilting your head back.
If you can close your eyes you are doing really well.
Swap feet. Usually this exercise is easier with the feet one way round. Make sure you do it with both ways.
Fun (and very important) stuff!!